Confetti Spring Rolls!
Spring Rolls
  1. To make the dressing, I didn’t measure anything, other than the red onion and Tahini. I put all the ingredients in the blender and pulsed until it was a consistency and taste I liked. I did add more honey, lemon and sesame oil as I went along because it was too thick. Just drizzle, pulse and taste. Always taste as you go! That way you know how to layer flavors and what to add!
  2. Shred the cabbage and carrots, then slice the peppers. Add everything to a large mixing bowl and stir together. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the dressing to lightly coat the vegetables.
  3. Soak the Spring Roll wrappers in warm water for about 10 -20 seconds to soften. Lay them on a cutting board with the edges slightly overlapping. Place a good amount of the vegetable mix at the end of one wrapper. If using them, add one (or more) asparagus stalks to the top of the veggie mix before rolling. Gently roll the vegetables, folding in the sides of the wrapper as you go. Cut the rolls in half on a diagonal. Dip in the extra dressing and serve immediately!
  4. Enjoy the Spring Rolls! They are delicious. I’d love to hear how yours come out and what you decide to add!