Guest Post: Roasted Eggplant Hummus from This American Bite
  1. To cook the perfect chickpea, I use a shallow Le Creuset pot and bring water to a boil. Then I add the chickpeas, make sure there is enough water to cover the chickpeas, return to a boil then cover and turn off the heat. Allow them to sit until they are cool enough to touch.
  2. Dice your eggplant, sprinkle salt and allow to sweat for 30 minutes. Then put the eggplant on a cookie sheet, drizzle with cumin and olive oil and roast at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  3. Put your chick peas in the food processor along with the garlic and the oil in which it was roasted. Add the rest of the ingredients, and for a little extra lemony flavor, add some lemon zest too. Let the food processor get to work, and taste along the way.
  4. For a thinner hummus, add more water. For a nuttier flavor add some extra virgin olive oil. Serve with warm pita bread, or use as a bed for ground beef or sautéed mushrooms.
Recipe Notes

You can use canned chickpeas for this recipe; I prefer to use dry beans and pulses wherever possible.