Hello my friends!
Today, I want to share some exciting news! My dear friend Ally, from Ally’s Kitchen, has launched her first cookbook! I say “first” because I’m certain there will be many more to follow this brave new adventure!

Isn’t it gorgeous? I just love this book!
I first met Ally four years ago on Facebook when I was a brand new food blogger! She was fresh off competing on Master Chef and I wanted to meet people who shared this crazy passion for writing about food and sharing it with the world! Ally’s food and pictures have always been stunning. What’s even more beautiful, is her smile and her friendship. She’s one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.
Most food bloggers don’t get an opportunity to meet in person. Unless we are lucky enough to attend a conference or perhaps be traveling where the other person lives. Don’t get me wrong, our friendships are deep and sincere. We discuss everything online with our “foodie friends.” Consequently, Ally and I never met face-to-face until the Dole Cook-Off in June of 2013. Ally was one of the finalist in the Dole Cook Off that happened to be held here in Southern California. I was so excited to meet Ally and cheer for her as she competed for $25,000!! She was just as sweet and sassy as I expected!

Did I happen to mention she WON the Dole Cook Off that year? You can read about it HERE!

Pretty cool, right?
This wonderful friend of mine has gone on to compete in the World Food Championships, return to the Dole CookOff to MC the event and now, she has her first cookbook! I couldn’t be more excited for her and the wonderful things ahead in her future! Here we are together again in Las Vegas last year for the World Food Championships and the Food Fight Write Conference!

Ally’s style is boholicious! Inside the pages of her new book “Ally’s Kitchen A Passport for Adventurous Palates” you’ll find lovely pictures and stories about the importance of sharing your soul, spirit and love through the food you put on your plate.

Hop on Ally’s Magic Carpet and visit places like Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Mediterranean! All with recipes and stories that reflect the culture and heritage of those places!
Ally will share with you “mood maker” tips to create ambience for your meals. There are “style makers” suggestions for how to plate your dish or serve it in a fun way, and then how to “boho’ing” her dishes with substitutions and even what to do with the leftovers!

I’ve made several things from Ally’s cookbook, but so far my favorite is her Blackened Shrimp and Crispy Chilled Cucumbers from the chapter on Caribbean Island Eats! SO YUMMMY! Some other favorites include Spiced Grilled Beef, Shrimp and Veggie Kabobs with Fig Balsamic Glaze from the Middle Eastern Allure chapter and the Charleston Creme Brûlée Cake from Side Trip Escapades! All of them are delicious! Are you hungry for more? Here are all the places you can find my lovely friend Ally!
Ally’s Kitchen website: http://www.allyskitchen.com/
Cookbook Trailer (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyN6MCS8zBE
Blog Tour Page: http://blog.cedarfort.com/blog-tour-allys-kitchen/
I’m sure you’re thinking “Where can I buy this fantastic new cook book?” I’ll tell ya! Right here:
Ally says “Eating is a necessity. Dining is an experience.” I think y’all need to experience this book for yourself and create your own world tour of tastes! You won’t be sorry!
Till next time,
Sara, it was so fun to see these photos and read about your connection to Ally — a heart connection as well as a foodie connection — thanks so much for your review! xo And those blackened shrimp… sigh.
Hi Kim! Thanks so much! Everything in Ally’s book is delicious! She’s a gem!
Littl’ Sis!! I love love this because it chronicles our journey together of meeting and finally sharing so much in person…you’re so so right, we food bloggers don’t get the chance to meet in person very much, rare, indeed, so we’ve had this awesome and special chance!! And, I see more meetings in my crystal ball in the future!
Now, those Caribbean bites look aaahhhmazing! Like you scooped them from the pix to your plate…yep, my girl is a talented culinary artist, writer and just one helluva nice person that I call my dear friend!! xoxo ~peace & love~ ally
PS…that pix of us at WFC is still one of my ALL-TIME favorites!! xo
My big sister! You are destined for huge and wonderful things!! I will never forget your kindness in sending me that gorgeous necklace after your big win and all the times you let me call you for advice on foodie things. Thank you for all you do! <3
P.S. That picture is one of my fav's too!