Sometimes, I believe when we want to make big grand changes, or plans, the Universe occasionally throws a wrench at us as if to say “Oh yeah? Let’s see how serious you are about this…” As if to test our resolve about these new plans.
I had planned today to write about my hopes for 2019. To share how I will move my life forward with baby steps and better choices. Instead, I was distracted with thrilling news of a wedding and a baby on the way, then gut-wrenching news with the unexpected passing of a friends husband and the deaths of several friends pets. So instead of writing, I was tested with happy and heartbreaking announcements.
Social media can do that you know… distract you. It reminds us though that life changes in a heartbeat. Sometimes for the good, other times, not so much. It’s been on my mind lately, that we don’t get to choose when we die. We have no choice in when/where/how we leave this earth. It’s a simple, tragic truth. Years ago we learned the hard way not to dare tempt fate with a frustrated muttering of “What else could go wrong?” because we know it can always be worse. Always. So we need to make the most out of life while we have it.
How am I making that happen? Well, one of my changes for the New Year is to be more present in the moment.
Being present in the moment today meant going from excited screams of joy for my friends good fortune to blinking back tears in the grocery store after reading about my friends husband. It was not easy. It also meant sitting down purposefully to write, even with good and back news echoing in my heart.
The other change for me in 2019 is to focus on my Health. Focusing with baby steps. Nothing huge, no grand ideals of “I’m going to the gym 6 days a week and working out for two hours a day and only eating carrots for a month!” Oh brother! That would last me all of about 12 seconds. Nope, my goal is have a healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit and a healthy world around me. That means cleaning out a lot of crap from my house and especially the pantry, getting my body moving again, healing my spirit by surrounding myself only with people who lift me up and training my brain to be positive, especially positive and loving to myself. 50 years in to this life and I think it’s about time I treat myself with love and respect. But I also need to give myself grace and recognize that it will only happen with baby steps. One small thing built on another, slowly over time. This is so the changes actually stick. So healthy habits are formed. Not healthy wishes.
For January my focus is on Health and Courage. It’s hard to make changes. It’s hard to stand up for yourself and say no to the things, people and food choices that aren’t good for you. It takes courage to ignore the haters and share your unique light with the world. But I have made a commitment to myself. I’m going to move forward with baby steps and be courageous with making small changes on a daily basis.
After today, I am reminded life is too short NOT to do this.
Life is too short to NOT go after everything you’ve ever wanted. Time will pass anyway, so you might as well do it.
Life is too short NOT to wrap your arms around people you love. None of us know for certain when it will be too late, so don’t wait!
Blessings and love to all of you as you move forward in your own ways, my friends. Have courage. Believe in yourself. Love the people around you. Scream for joy. Cry in the grocery store. Experience every bit of the magic and emotion this life gives us. It’s worth it. YOU are worth it!
Until next time,