I’d love to tell you I’m ready for summer. Sandals and shorts, cute bikini tops and sunglasses, beach towel and a good book, ready to hit the beach in style! Nope. Not even close. What is close? These whole grain pancakes.
How whole grain pancakes and the beach actually tie together, I’m not sure. In my head it sounded good, so I’m sticking with it. Plus, whole grain sounds healthy and people who go to the beach look healthy…. right? Actually, it’s a good reason to have pancakes and let myself think it’s healthy because there are grains in it and fruit on top. Just being honest friends.
Actually these pancakes aren’t too bad, as long as we’re not having six or seven of them at a time. Two or three is perfect and take a nice walk along the beach when you’re done. Oh! See, I did manage to tie in the beach with this! I knew it was in there somewhere.
This recipe is from Melissa Clark and New York Times Cooking. She’s basically a goddess and not only is this recipe super simple, it’s delicious! I get recipes from the NYTimes delivered via Email every week. The variety of recipes is great and while some of the food is a little too upscale for my tastes, this one hits it out of the park. Try it yourself and see what you think!
Find more pancake recipes here: Blueberry Pancakes! Mini Sous does a guest post! or Dutch Baby Pancakes or if you’re already dreaming of Fall and could care less about the beach, give these Pumpkin Pancakes a try! Of course, you know what’s next: Sourdough pancakes!